Policia Dramatica

Welcome to Rio de Criminosos, a city drowning in crime. You will take control of the rookie of the police force and engage in thrilling car chases in an ultimately futile attempt to rid the city of crime. Be careful though, you will be penalized for endangering civillians.

Don't forget to also upgrade your car with the latest parts to ensure no criminal can get away from you. Use your kreds wisely as you browse for new engines, tires, suspensions and more.

Policia Dramatica was made by a small group of 3 developers. I was the Lead Programmer and as such was in charge of gameplay programming, animation programming, UI programming and minor game design.

This game was made for mobile devices and released in the GooglePlay Store in 2019. I especially enjoyed creating my own touch input system for this game. It can recognise two inputs at once and accommodate to the players preference.

That means that the player can use either side of the screen to control acceleration or steering, being able to switch on the fly with no menus or delays.

Contact Me

The best way to contact me is through email, but I am also available on LinkedIn and Twitter.